While marijuana policies are continuing proliferate across the United States, it seems that the Washington was has stumbled by introducing I-502 before having a regulation policy for medical marijuana in the state.
Fixing marijuana policy and regulations in Washington is a priority and Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles, D-Seattle, plans to address the disconnect and get Washington’s marijuana regulations back on track in a new proposal she has for the 2015 Legislature.
Here are the key points (still in draft language), as sent to the Seattle PI by Sen. Kohl-Welles:
- All users of marijuana, recreational or medical, may grow marijuana for their personal use. People who wish to grow marijuana must be 21 years of age or older and may only grow up to six plants.
- People who grow marijuana at home must do so in their own domicile and no more than one home grow is permitted per residence.
- People who grow marijuana may share up to one ounce of marijuana with another person who is 21 years of age or older. Sharing must be done without compensation; marijuana may not be sold nor may the grower accept cash donations for the product.
- Possession limits will be modified to reflect the larger amount of marijuana that may be produced by six plants. Eight ounces of marijuana would be permitted in the person’s domicile where the plants are grown and the grower may not transport more than one ounce of marijuana.
- Hash oil may not be produced by anyone without a license.
There are also proposed adjustments to the taxation of marijuana, Sen. Kohl-Welles would like low THC medical strains to have a tax exemption for medical marijuana patients.
Sen. Kohl-Welles proposal would likely be put forward sometime at the beginning of the legislative session in January, and is currently thought of to be the most patient friendly marijuana legislation assembled so far.
Article Link: http://blog.seattlepi.com/marijuana/2014/12/08/how-to-fix-medical-marijuana-in-washington-with-one-simple-bill/#28887101=0