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Helping to Reshape the Perception of Cannabis

The old adage “perception is reality” is a rule in marketing and public relations that often holds true. So when Colorado lobbyist Mason Tvert looked at data, trying to decipher why Americans vilify marijuana and embrace alcohol, he found the facts supported marijuana as the safer substance. Tvert realized part of the answer, the vernacular that surrounded marijuana needed to be changed.

Out of this was born a campaign to educate the public with the goal to help change peoples’ perception marijuana. By thinking outside the usual cannabis rhetoric, and evaluating direct comparison between the two vices, Tvert was able to change how people were thinking about cannabis.

At Canna Consulting Group, we specialize in communication architecture and can help finely craft your message as to ensure potential clients hear exactly what you are saying.

Article Link: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2013/12/the-don-draper-of-pot-mason-tvert-100609_Page3.html

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