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Midterm Elections Prove that Marijuana is Mainstream

Now that the midterm elections now over and the smoke has cleared, it is becoming increasingly apparent that marijuana is mainstream. While many parts of the U.S. voted more Republican this year, three out of the four states with marijuana legislation voted to pass that legislation.

Voters in Oregon, Alaska and D.C. have passed legislation that legalizes marijuana possession. Oregon and Alaska have also voted to create a commercial regulatory system for the production, distribution and sale of marijuana, just two years after Colorado and Washington passed similar bills.

The only state to not pass this year’s marijuana legislation was Florida which only missed by 2%, a 60% majority was needed pass the legislation.

Mike Smullen executive chairman of Altmed, a Florida cannabis company hoping to open a MMJ dispensary, said that Drug Free Florida, the campaign that opposed Amendment 2, ran “deceptive” ads based on “fear-mongering,” paid for in large part by more than $5 million from casino mogul Sheldon Adelson.

Do not count Florida out though, as marijuana advocates are already planning for a new bill during the next election.  Additional support for future marijuana legislation may also grow, as many industry experts are expecting California and Nevada to be the next two big states to put marijuana legalization to the peoples vote.

The main take away from this though is that marijuana is seemingly crossing party lines, something that many politicians have seemed incapable of doing over the last few years.

Article Link: http://www.cnn.com/2014/11/04/politics/marijuana-2014/index.html

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