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Oregon Moves to Ban Sweet Edibles from Dispensaries

Last week the Oregon Health Authority released its draft rules for medical marijuana dispensaries, and the rules ban the sale of sweet and sugary edibles.

Edibles overall have frequently come under fire from lawmakers in medical marijuana states. In 2011, Colorado Republicans tried to ban edibles with the unsuccessful H.B. 1250. Last year, Michigan’s Supreme Court ruled that edibles made from marijuana extract were not legal under the state’s medical marijuana law.

“We’ve pulled all of them off of the shelves,” said Troy Moore, owner of Oregon’s Finest in Portland, who estimates that sweets account for 15-20% of his overall sales. “Everybody that comes in is like ‘where are the edibles? I want the edibles.’”

With these kinds of limitations being put on medical marijuana, the likelihood of edibles making it on the shelves of retail stores seems increasingly unlikely.

Article Link: http://mmjbusinessdaily.com/oregon-businesses-prepare-for-edibles-ban/

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