United States

Tag Archives: Marijuana Banking

By | July 22, 2015

Blue Ribbon Commission on Marijuana Policy makes 58 Policy Suggestions for Legalizing Marijuana in California

As California begins to layout a road map for legalizing marijuana, state lawmakers assembled a committee to put together a report delineating some of the possible challenges the state may face, and what they should prioritize as legislation is...

By | December 24, 2014

Top Ten Marijauna Policy Enactments of 2014

Marijuana policy is changing throughout the United States at record paces. Many feel that it is only a matter of years before marijuana is descheduled and readily available medical and recreational use. Here are the top ten marijuana policy...

By | October 28, 2014

City of Seatte’s Letter to Major Marijuana Operations Getting National Attention

Last week, the city of Seattle wrote a letter to 330 major medical marijuana operations outlining the City’s compliancy expectations. The letter drew concern from many Seattle medical marijuana businesses and patients. While Seattle Officials point to Washington and...

By | July 22, 2014

WA Retail Marijauna Shortages could Last Months

After less than a week in sales, the few Washington’s retail marijuana shops that opened ran dry, and now some are expecting the shortage to last months. Brian Stroh – who owns CannaMan Farms, a cultivation site in Clark...

By | May 13, 2014

Colorado Approves World’s First Marijuana Banking System

Colorado lawmakers approved the world’s first financial system for the marijuana industry, a network of uninsured cooperatives designed to give pot businesses a way to access basic banking services. The U.S. Treasury Department said in February that banks could serve...

By | December 24, 2013

Banks Get “Yellow Light” to Start Accepting Cannabis Accounts

The cannabis industry has long been hindered by the inability to establish a legal bank account. This has driven the industry to be largely cash only, forcing medical dispensaries to figure out how to deal with large amounts of...

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