United States

Tag Archives: Marijuana Federal Enforcement

By | December 23, 2015

New York is Getting Ready for Medical Marijuana

New York is getting ready for medical marijuana, as the first legal medicinal dispensaries are preparing to open their doors.  The state recently began issuing licenses for businesses operating in the medical marijuana industry to grow and sell cannabis,...

By | December 14, 2015

Mexico to Issue Permits Allowing for Marijuana Use and Cultivation

Mexico issued the country’s first permits allowing for marijuana use and cultivation today.  The permits were issued as part of the Mexican Supreme Court’s ruling in November that the cultivation and consumption of cannabis is covered by the country’s...

By | November 30, 2015

Members of Congress Hope to Slash DEA’s Cannabis Eradication Budget

The DEA has had a rough year regarding their unwavering stance against cannabis, and some Congressmen would like to see the agency’s efforts devoted to more important issues. Last week, 12 congressmen wrote the House leadership to push a...

By | November 6, 2015

Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2015 Introduced by Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders

Vermont Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders continued his progressive streak this week by introducing a bill in the United States Senate that would officially end Federal criminalization of cannabis.  The bill, called the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition...

By | October 28, 2015

Maryland’s Medical Marijuana System is Finally Getting off the Ground

After almost 2 ½ years of delays, Maryland’s medical marijuana system is finally getting off the ground. For the past month, investors and entrepreneurs have been meeting with the government officials across the state, and the Maryland Medical Cannabis...

By | September 29, 2015

First Marijuana Resort Slated to Open….. in South Dakota

A state in which neither medical nor recreational marijuana sales are legal, will become home to the Nation’s first marijuana resort. In June, the Justice Department passed a new policy allowing for American Indian Tribes to operate marijuana business...

By | August 11, 2015

Big Pharma Knocking on Cannabis’s Door

For those hoping that Big Pharma could still be blocked from the medical cannabis scene there is bad news: the deal is done. Big Pharma is knocking on cannabis’s door, looking for the first naturally-derived, Big Pharma-produced cannabis product...

By | July 22, 2015

Blue Ribbon Commission on Marijuana Policy makes 58 Policy Suggestions for Legalizing Marijuana in California

As California begins to layout a road map for legalizing marijuana, state lawmakers assembled a committee to put together a report delineating some of the possible challenges the state may face, and what they should prioritize as legislation is...

By | February 19, 2015

Scientist Seek to Explain the Munchies as more Studies on Marijuana Start to Surface

The number of scientific studies on marijuana have been minimal throughout the last 100 years. This was largely due to research facilities not seeking to conduct such studies for fear of losing federal funding for other studies. With over...

By | February 12, 2015

Marijuana Could See Reclassification to Schedule Two Drug

A federal hearing in Sacramento this week could call into question whether or not current marijuana laws are unconstitutional. This could be cause for Marijuana to See Reclassification from a Schedule One Drug to a Schedule Two Drug. The...

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