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Canna Consulting Director Comments on Inventory Management for Marijuana Companies

As interest grows in the recreational marijuana market, many new entrepreneurs are left with operations questions they just can’t answer. One of the questions that have new retailers scratching their head, is witch inventory management system should they invest in for their company?

Canna Consulting Group’s Executive Director Karl Keich was asked this question by Market Watch. This is what he had to say:

Karl Keich, owner of Seattle Medical Marijuana Association, a not-for-profit co-op, said there were four systems that he considered. The Association does custom orders and Keich uses the system to see trends in what customers are buying, and to stay ahead of state compliance rules.

“I’m concerned about product loss,” Keich said. “I’m concerned about my margins on my sales.”

The association has been in business for five years and had $1.76 million in sales last year, he said.

Article Link: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/tracking-the-marijuana-business-from-seed-to-sale-2015-05-04?page=1

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