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United States Attorney General Eric Holder ‘Cautiously Optimistic’ About CO, WA Cannabis Programs

The nation’s top law enforcement official, United States Attorney General Eric Holder, said that he is ‘cautiously optimistic’ about the retail cannabis roll-outs in Colorado and Washington in a recent interview with Huffington Post.

Holder continued, “but as I indicated to both governors, we will be monitoring the progress of those efforts and if we conclude that they are not being done in an appropriate way, we reserve our rights to file lawsuits.”

Holder also recently stated that he is willing to work with congress to reclassify cannabis. The Attorney General’s Office has the power to re-categorize cannabis on the Controlled Substances List so it is not ranked at the same level as more overtly dangerous drugs such as heroine.

While small, these steps further indicate that the Federal Government is taking a less aggressive stance on the industry in general.

Article Link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/15/eric-holder-marijuana-legalization_n_5148663.html?utm_hp_ref=politics



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